#SkyRings development has started!
We are currently working on SkyRings, a new gamemode/minigame where you use an elytra to fly through hoops floating in the air. To start there will be 8 differen’t “paths” to follow, each with differing difficulties. As of right now you can come watch the Development of the map by joining Eridauni.nitrous.it and jumping off the Spawn world map. Don’t worry! You won’t be injured. You will simply be teleported back to Spawn, and asked if you’d like to teleport to the SkyRings world. As people can join the world freely while development is taking place, we ask that you are kind about how you go about it, and if you’re asked to leave, to do so.
We are always looking for more builders, so be sure to jump on the server and tell us about your creative ability for a chance to get a Builder rank. And don’t forget to have proof. :-)