#The official YouTube for QuickScythe has been released!! After creating the server Eridauni, and working with the popular Minecraft Server ‘MineSwine’, it seems logical that I would want to expand myself more, and that’s exactly what I have done. I have created a YouTube channel to upload all kinds of...
#Eridauni has officially be released in Beta You can play and become a Beta Tester! Come join the server at Eridauni.nitrous.it and play a while. Be sure to tell me or other staff about any bugs you come across as you will be rewarded! There are multiple plans for this...
#We were awarded with second place! My partner Joseph Phillips and I were awarded second place at the Kansas State leadership confrence on the topic “Computer Game and Simulation Programming”, and we’re given the change to go to Atlanta, Georga, for the National Leadership confrence!
We have submitted Trinnorica to FBLA for Kansas state compitition!! Changes Graphical things Fixed a few levels Fixed some bugs You can click here to download the latest Trinnorica version.
Changes Fixed audio Changed player image Added a new level Added new keys and doors You can click here to download the latest Trinnorica version.